Com-Art Airbrush Colors

Com-Art Airbrush Colors
Com-Art is a professional airbrush color line that offers the artist versatile with their work.  The base of this paint consists of a common-hydro-carbon binder that allows Opaque and Transparent colors to be used together without bleeding. Non-toxic and ready to use out of the bottle, Com-Art paint never needs to be filtered or strained. Each color is heavily pigmented and lightfast and provide superior atomization, smooth spraying, and they dry instantly.

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  • Com-Art Airbrush Color Sets

    Com-Art Airbrush Color Sets

    Com-Art Airbrush color sets are a great introduction to this heavily pigmented and lightfast paint. Explore the different palettes based on your style.  Non-toxic and ready to use out of the bottle, Com-Art paints never needs to be strained and they dry instantly.

  • Com-Art Opaque Airbrush Colors

    Com-Art Opaque Airbrush Colors

    Com-Art Opaque airbrush colors feature dense shades that spray smoothly and resist clogging. These colors are heavily pigmented with the finest ground pigments available. Each color will produce brilliant results direct from the bottle, no straining necessary.

  • Com-Art Transparent Airbrush Colors

    Com-Art Transparent Airbrush Colors

    Com-Art Transparent airbrush colors are non-fading, pigmented colors that can be layered right on the painting surface. Using the same formulation as the opaque colors,  transparent colors can be intermixed with opaques or sprayed over the top for glazing.

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