Pina Zangaro portfolios and presentation cases are the ultimate in design
and finish. Pina's products are made of unique materials
such as aluminum, acrylic, pressed harboard, bamboo, and leather with either ring binders or screwpost fittings
for superior flexibility.
Hyatt's is proud to be a Pina Zangaro authorized dealer. We offer the
full line of Pina Zangaro portfolios, binders and presentation
boxes. Order online by clicking on any category on
this page or by going to
Customize with Imprinting:
Make your presentation even stronger by adding an imprint to your book, box, or case. Choose from Color Imprinting, Laser Etching, or Blind Debossing to add your name, logo or other graphic to any Pina Zangaro product. Then email us your artwork with placement instructions - it couldn't be simpler.
If you have
questions or prefer to order by phone, call us at 1-800-234-9288 ext.
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